The astrology
A female figure in a white dress and blue coat sits on grey clouds, holding up a celestial sphere with her right hand. The head is surrounded by a circle of stars. On the left a cloud and scientific instruments, on the right a telescope with the signature: Vincent 1811.
Front signed lower right: "Vincent / 1811"
Verso: Back cover lower left: Label BStGS; stretcher upper right traces of glue; stretcher centre right: label BStGS with stamp in red: "geprüft 1959"; stretcher centre left handwritten in red: "7710" [=Munich CCP no.]; stretcher lower left handwritten on label: "Ölgemälde [218 od. 28 od. 2/8]"; on horizontal central strut handwritten: "[illegible (letter/symbol/number?)]"; frame top right handwritten on label: "Leihgabe 13002"; frame centre left handwritten in red: "7710" [=Münchener CCP-No.].
1811 - without date, François-André Vincent (1746 - 1816),
without date - 15.11.1905, whereabouts unknown, possibly Paris, consigned to an auction at the Hôtel Drouot, Paris,
15.11.1905 - without date, whereabouts unknown,
without date - 1945, NSDAP (Depot Party Headquarters), Munich,
28.08.1945 - 10.06.1949, Central Collecting Point, Munich number 7710, seized by American Allies,
10.06.1949 - 22.02.1952, Minister President of Bavaria, Munich, transfer in trust by American Allies,
22.02.1952 - 27.04.1959, administration of cultural property in trust at the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, Munich, transfer in trust by Bavarian Minister President,
since 27.04.1959, Bavarian State Painting Collections (Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen), Munich, transfer of ownership from the Munich Finance Ministry to the Free State of Bavaria
For further information, please contact the persons indicated for the found report.
Barer Str. 29
80799 München