Beggar musicians

The blind, white-bearded musician turns the fixed lyre. He wears a red jacket with blue lapels and blue trousers, floppy boots, a floppy hat and a beggar's sack with a jug. The little dog walks on its hind legs, the boy sings verses from pieces of paper, next to his green-blue trousers lies his hat decorated with flowers. The girl behind with the beggar's mug points to the Cavalier couple walking behind the group of trees to the left. On the right, a sleeping man from the back and a squatting woman working in front of a reed hut.
c. 1760 - without date, Johann Conrad Seekatz (1719 - 1768)
without date - without date, whereabouts unknown
without date - 02./03.07.1942, B. Schmitt, probably Munich
02./03.07.1942 - 1945, NSDAP (Party Chancellery), Munich, purchased by B. Schmitt in the art auction house Adolf Weinmüller, Munich
25.10.1945 - 10.06.1949, Central Collecting Point, Munich number 12325, seized by American Allies
10.06.1949 - 22.02.1952, Prime Minister of Bavaria, Munich, transfer in trust by American Allies
22.02.1952 - 10.12.1956, administration of cultural property in trust at the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, Munich, transfer in trust by Bavarian Prime Minister
since 10.12.1956, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen (Bavarian State Painting Collections), Munich, transfer of ownership from the Munich Finance Office to the Free State of Bavaria
For further information, please refer to the contact given for notification.
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80799 München