Coastal view

Low horizon. Parallel to the picture plane on the right a bastion on which people are standing, on the left shallow bank. A group of three men with baskets in the foreground at the left edge of the picture, further in the centre workers with a cart. Poles rise from the water at irregular intervals.
Inscribed at lower right: Laure [Pinx?] 1839 [?] [1827 ?]
Verso: Stretcher upper right, handwritten in blue: "31R7/2u"; stretcher upper left, handwritten in red: "7708" [=Munich CCP no.]; stretcher centre left, handwritten in pencil: "(51)"; stretcher centre right, handwritten in black: "21" [crossed out]; stretcher lower right and left: Label BStGS; frame upper left, handwritten in blue: "239"; frame upper centre, label with biographical information on the artist; frame upper right, handwritten in blue: "2576/5"; frame upper left, 2 stickers on top of each other, lower printed: "Weltausstellung 1878 in Paris", upper printed: "58"; frame left centre, handwritten in red: "7708" [=Munich CCP no. ]; below, handwritten in yellow: "W. J.[?] 6/7 [rest missing]"; to the left handwritten on label: "Ölgemälde 146".
1839 (?) - without date, Jules Laure (1806 - 1861),
without date - without date, whereabouts unknown, probably shown at the World's Fair in Paris in 1878,
without date - 1945, NSDAP (Depot Party Headquarters), Munich,
27.08.1945 - 10.06.1949, Central Collecting Point, Munich number 7708, seized by American Allies,
10.06.1949 - 22.02.1952, Minister President of Bavaria, Munich, transfer in trust by American Allies,
22.02.1952 - 27.04.1959, administration of cultural property in trust at the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, Munich, transfer in trust by Bavarian Minister President,
since 27.04.1959, Bavarian State Painting Collections (Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen), Munich, transfer of ownership from the Munich Finance Ministry to the Free State of Bavaria
For further information, please contact the persons indicated for the found report.
Barer Str. 29
80799 München