In the Saxon Switzerland [Elbe valley near the deer mill]

1839-1839 Christian Friedrich Gille (1805-1899)
1839- end of 1839 Sächsischer Kunstverein, Dresden, acquired by the artist
End of 1839-without date Eduard Prosch (1804-1878), Ludwigslust, acquired by the Saxon Art Society
without date-without date whereabouts unknown
without date-16./17.04.1943 "Oberneuland", consignor at auction Hans W. Lange, Berlin
16 / 17.04.1943-1945 NSDAP, party chancellery, Munich, acquired through Maria [Almas]-Dietrich at auction by Hans W. Lange, Berlin
25.10.1945-10.06.1949 Central Collecting Point, Munich number 12189, secured by American Allies
10.06.1949-22.02.1952 Prime Minister of Bavaria, fiduciary handover by American allies
22.02.1952-10.12.1956 Trusteeship of cultural property at the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, Munich, fiduciary handover by Bavarian Prime Minister
Since 10.12.1956 Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen Munich, transfer of ownership of the Munich financial centre to the Free State of Bavaria
For further information, please refer to the given contact for the report.
Barer Str. 29
80799 München