Chapel in the mountains-lake
US - NARA, property card: Label: No. 15064, Linz Mus. Kunsth. Artaria, ohne Linznummer.
Reference: • US - NARA, RG 260, A3389. Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"): Selected Microfilm Reproductions And Related Records. Roll 68. "Linz Film". 14.5, Vols. 14a–17a. [Blank]. Blatt 60. LF XIVa/156/582.
• US - NARA, RG 260, A3389. Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"): Selected Microfilm Reproductions And Related Records. Roll 69. "Linz Film". 14.6, Vols. 17a–20a. Page 310. LF XVIIIa/163/794.
• US - NARA, RG 260, A3389. Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"): Selected Microfilm Reproductions And Related Records. Roll 69. "Linz Film". 14.6, Vols. 17a–20a. [Blank]. Blatt 381. LF XIXa/23/139.
• US - NARA, RG 260, A3389. Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"): Selected Microfilm Reproductions And Related Records, 1945-1949. Roll 71. "Linz Film". 14.8, Vols. 24–27a. [Blank]. Blatt 545. LF XXVII/63/340-341.
• US - NARA, RG 260, M1946. Photographs of art objects stolen by the Nazis from the Linz Museum and other collections in Europe. Roll 302. Photographs Taken by the Munich Central Collecting Point, OMGUS, of Artworks Appropriated by Germany during World War II. 260-MP. 9659/1-10380. 10337. 260-MP-10337. Blatt 1034 und 1035.
• US - NARA, RG 260, M1946. Property cards from the Munich Central Collecting Point documenting the movement and disposition of each looted object. Roll 255. Records Relating to the Munich Central Collecting Point Property Transfers. Federal Government, 46962 Schloss Ehrenburg 8 - Ministerpresident, 2278/1 Aussee 1622/1. 10337/Aussee 5551. Paintings. Chapel In The Mountains-Lake. Blatt 1 und 2.
• Vgl. Rupert Feuchtmüller: Ferdinand Georg Waldmu?ller 1793-1865. Leben, Schriften, Werke. Wien 1996. Kat. Nr. 266.
• D - BA Koblenz, B 323/732.
Art trader Paul Cassirer
Collection Sigmund Waldes, Dresden - September 1938
Loss Dresden September 1938 (nach)
Art trader Hinrichsen, Alt-Aussee
Art trader Hans W. Lange, - 01.06.1944
Special mission Linz, 01.06.1944 -
CCP Munich, 18.10.1945 - 29.06.1949
CCP Wiesbaden, 29.06.1949 - 23.10.1951
JRSO Nürnberg, 23.10.1951 -
Bezalel Museum, Jerusalem