Eva, as a full woman stands naked upright, in each hand an apple, and bows her head with a seductive smile. At the quadrangular base, a circular relief (Dm 0,049 m.): Adam, stored before the snake, in r. arm holding a lot of apples, leading in apple to his mouth with the left
Bez .: Bruno Fischer in 1914Literature: Bericht über die Verwaltung und Vermehrung der Königlichen Sammlungen für Kunst und Wissenschaft in Dresden in den Jahren 1914 und 1915. 3. Skulpturensammlung. 1914. S. 26.
State grant for small scale sculpture 1914.
Inventory ZV 458-2814 (1886-1919 / 20). Not listed in the inventory in 1950.
Loan to the Ministry of Justice on 02.11.1952 Dresden. War loss.
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Tzschirnerplatz 2
01067 Dresden