Faience Roof Rider: Standing Ho bird (damaged)
Fuchs text for plate 45: „Dachreiter. Hahn (oder Vogel Ho). Monochrom grün glasiert; in den Vertiefungen Reste kalter roter Bemalung. Höhe 35,5 cm“
Collection Eduard Fuchs, acquired between 1912-1922 and in his possession until 1933; 25.10.1933 confiscation by the Gestapo; forced sale (payment of Reichsfluchtsteuer) 1937 by his daughter Gertraud Fuchs: auction Auktionshaus Rudolph Lepke Berlin, catalogue 2115 - on 15. 10 and on 16.10.1937 this ridge turret was auctioned under no. 510: "FAYENCE-DACHREITER: Standing hovogel; green glazed. Height 35 cm. Ming (Damaged)".
According to the annotated Lepke catalogue (Kunsthistorische Bibliothek Den Haag) and the transcript of the auction 2115 at the Reichskammer für bildende Künste, this object (estimated price: RM 50) did not find a buyer; whereabouts unknown