Figural Handle: Pygmy and Crane

The bald-headed dwarf (pygmy) with a huge phallus has grabbed one of the bird's legs with both hands and is still pressing his left leg against it, the claw of the other bird's leg comes out on the dwarf's right shoulder. The wings of the bird, slightly protruding from the body, form the background for the pygmy's legs. The whole representation is attached to an elliptical, curved piece of bronze, which, like the long bronze pin that appears in place of the crane's neck, forms a remnant of the device. Pieces of the wings and the two ends of the shield are broken off.
Literatur: Spezial-Berichte über die Verwaltung der Königlichen Sammlungen im Jahre 1891, S. 4 (links).
Herrmann, in AA 1892, S. 161, Nr. 20, Abb.
Müller, Manuskript, Kap. Teile von Gefäßen, S. 15.
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Tzschirnerplatz 2
01067 Dresden