Search Request | Object report
A pair of sitting dogs
Lost Art-ID
Unknown (Tang Epoche)
A pair of sitting dogs
Tang Epoche 618 - 907
Object type
Group of reported objects
Material / Technique
Ceramics (Clay) ; Glaze (Faience) yellowish white
10.50 cm
Inventory number
Tang 48 / Lepke 159
One piece bonded. Since no image is known, a description is currently not possible. However, information on the object can be found in the Lepke catalog.
Plastiken der Han- und Tangzeit
Collection Eduard Fuchs acquired after 1924 and in his possession there until 1933; 25.10.1933 confiscation by the Gestapo; forced sale (payment of Reichsfluchtsteuer) by his daughter Gertraud Fuchs: Auction House Rudolph Lepke Berlin, Catalogue 2115, p. 14 - on 15.10 and 16.10.1937 this sculpture was auctioned under No. 159: "EIN PAAR TONFIGUREN: Sitzende Hunde: gelblichweiß glasiert. (Ein Stück gekittet)“. According to the annotated Lepke catalog (Kunsthistorische Bibliothek, Den Haag) by Heinrich Peters, managing director of China-Bohlken, Potsdamer Straße 126, Berlin-Mitte) together with lot 158 (Tang 31), auctioned for 24,- RM (estimate: 40,- RM). The transcript of the auction 2115 at the Reich Chamber of Fine Arts notes "Bohlken" in typescript and confirms the price of 24,- RM for both lots (Landesarchiv Berlin, A Rep. 243-04 Reich Chamber of Fine Arts - Landesleitung Berlin); whereabouts unknown
Literature / Source
Rudolph Lepke's Kunst-Auctions-Haus, Berlin: Ostasiatische Kunst, Sammlung F., Berlin: Plastik, Porzellane, Fayencen, Lackarbeiten, Inro, Holzarbeiten, Wandschirme, Malereien, Textilien, Bronzen, Stichblätter u. a. ; 15. [und] 16. Oktober 1937 (Katalog Nr. 2115); Landesarchiv Berlin, A Rep. 243-04 Reichskammer für bildende Künste – Landesleitung Berlin (Die Protokollabschrift der Versteigerung 2115 bei der Reichskammer für Bildende Künste)
Published since
Dr. Dipl. Journ. Ulrich Weitz
Agentur für Kunstvermittlung
+49 (0) 711 7657184
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