Vase and Cover

Short, concave curved foot, the outer edge of which is slightly turned upwards; bulbously projecting body with flat shoulder, sunk slightly towards the base of the neck; contrasting cylindrical neck; high bell-shaped cover with overhanging horizontal rim and pointed oval knob.
On a stylized rock, large Indian style flower twigs grow freely painted on the outside, in the branches a sitting bird with a backwards-facing head and a strong, long beak, holds on to the branches with only one leg; the neck of the vase is separated from the body by a gold line; on the neck small flowers; on the cover robust flowering branches and a bird similar to the one on the body; cover and foot rim decorated with gold line; around the knob's base a gold line, on the knob tip gold or other coloured brush strokes, alternating strokes.
Manufacturer's mark: underglaze blue AR monogram
At the upper edge of the neck clearly visible defects in the glaze, which are to be considered as individual characteristics.
Originaltext der Fotokarte von 1941 | Original text of the photo card from 1941:
"15. Gedrungene bauchige Deckelvase, Höroldtmalerei, sitzender Vogel auf Blütenranke, Vergoldung, Meißner Porzellan, AR, Schl.-Nr. III 75, Höhe 37 cm."
Archivalische Nachweise | Archival records:
Gesetz über die Auseinandersetzung FS/HW 1924, Kapitel 3.1.a, S. 447 (Staat);
SächsHStA Dresden, 10701, Nr. 17, 1920, S. 234 (Dantezimmer).
Katalog | Catalog:
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Porzellansammlung, Anette Loesch (Hg.): Das Porzellankabinett im Hausmannsturm des Dresdner Residenzschlosses. Dresden, 2019, Kat. 17, S. 170.
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Theaterplatz 1
01067 Dresden