Portrait of a singer

In front of a stone parapet, behind which a park-like landscape is visible, sits the portrayed woman, wearing a brown, green and red patterned dress with white sleeve tips. She has turned her head towards the viewer and holds a sheet of music in her raised left hand. Life-size half figure.
Verso: Stretcher upper right: label with blue border, inscription illegible, below another label with blue border, inscription illegible; stretcher lower left: Label BStGS; stretcher frame lower right: Label BSTGS + "PR" [=Photo Roth]; upper, horizontal centre strut: "Collection du Duc d'Orleans / Vente 1856"; vertical centre strut, 2x round strike mark: "MOMPER [MOMPET?] / A / PARIS.".
18th century, English,
without date - 1856, Duc de Orléans Collection,
1856 - without date, whereabouts unknown,
without date - 1945, NSDAP (Depot Party Headquarters), Munich,
28.08.1945 - 10.06.1949, Central Collecting Point, Munich number 7713, seized by American Allies,
10.06.1949 - 22.02.1952, Minister President of Bavaria, Munich, transfer in trust by American Allies,
22.02.1952 - 27.04.1959, administration of cultural property in trust at the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, Munich, transfer in trust by Bavarian Minister President,
since 27.04.1959, Bavarian State Painting Collections (Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen), Munich, transfer of ownership from the Munich Finance Ministry to the Free State of Bavaria
For further information, please contact the persons indicated for the found report.
Barer Str. 29
80799 München