Saint Florian
In a Gothic niche with ribbed vaulting and tiled floor, the saint stands frontally in full figure, holding his head with long blond curls at a slight angle, in silver armour over which a red cloak falls. In his lowered right hand he holds a wooden tube at an angle so that water flows out of it to the ground; in his left hand he holds a lance with a pennant. Over his head a golden nimbus. Through the windows a view of the deep blue sky. Gold frame. (Inventory description)
Around 1480 Bavarian
without date - without date Whereabouts unknown
without date - probably 1916 Dard Collection
without date-1929 whereabouts unknown
1929-17./18.06.1936 Art dealer A. S. Drey, Munich
17/18.06.1936-19.08.1936 Art dealer Dr. Eduard Plietzsch, Berlin purchased at the auction by Paul Graupe, Berlin
since 19.08.1936 Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munich, acquired in exchange from the art dealer Dr. Eduard Plietzsch (Ministerielle Entschließung Nr. 34617)
Barer Str. 29
80799 München