
The sitter in half-length figure with fleshy face, black hair and brown moustache and gag beard wears an olive-green, chimney-red lined coat with gold buttons, underneath a white shirt with loosely overlapping collar. Leaning back slightly, he looks at the viewer and holds a rolled-up sheet of paper in his right hand. Life-size.
Verso: on the back cover lower left label BStGS: "Inv. No. 12876", upper centre red sign with transport instructions, on the canvas lower right in black: "E.M." ("E.T." if Russian), on the stretcher at the top in red a Russian writing, possibly the following letters: "MpACMEHO cmopobas N6), below the writing at the top centre an oval Russian stamp: at the centre "B.V., (in Russian this is "W.I.") below a line of writing and further text running around: from left to top presumably: "CPGV ", from left to bottom presumably: "3AK", the right side of the stamp is not visible, on the stretcher right in blue: "7695" (Munich number), below old label BStGS: "Inv.Nr. 12876, Flemish Ant. 18 cent, Male portrait", on the left new label BStGS: "Inv. 12876, Jordaens, Jacob ( Selbstbildnis) Männliches Bildnis", above in blue an illegible sign, possibly "EP", on the lower right a red seal directly on the wood, possibly with coat of arms imprint, no writing, on the frame on the upper right in yellow "zu Inv. Nr. 12876", on the upper left a remnant of a white narrow sticker: "N" and below it "6" still legible, on the lower left green oval sticker from the frame inventory "R 2615", below in white "R 2615".
c. 1650, Jacob Jordaens (1593 - 1678),
without date - without date, whereabouts unknown,
without date - 1945, NSDAP (Depot Party Headquarters),
27.08.1945 - 10.06.1949, Central Collecting Point, Munich number 7695, seized by American Allies,
10.06.1949 - 22.02.1952, Minister President of Bavaria, Munich, transfer in trust by American Allies,
22.02.1952 - 27.04.1959, administration of cultural property in trust at the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, Munich, transfer in trust by Bavarian Minister President,
since 27.04.1959, Bavarian State Painting Collections (Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen), Munich, transfer of ownership from the Munich Finance Ministry to the Free State of Bavaria
For further information, please contact the persons indicated for the found report.
Barer Str. 29
80799 München