Madonna and Child (?)
Madonna with child, above the Madonna many accessories like little houses, clouds, trees etc.
in the Belgian government's wanted list: „Vander Elst – Madone avec Enfant“ bezeichnet, 60 x 85 cm, Sichel T. à Bruxelles, 457 – 08 – 7 (Belgien)". Cadre cintré (clothes hanger frame)
B Rep. 025-07, Nr. 1007-08/57 (WGA); Bundesarchiv/Invenio: BArch B 323/403 und BArch B 323/405; BArch B323/408; BArch B323/409; BArch B323/254
MFA&A 184: N457 – 466 Sichel, Théa Brüssel (BArch B323/405); „Sichel, Théa Brüssel: This claim was dropped in compliance with the oral request by MFA&A OMGUS, on 28 June 1948, ordering all claims with insufficient evidence to be given inactive status” (BArch B323/408); “457-08-7 E 539/59” (BArch B323/409); „The Intelligence Department of CCP Munich contains the following Records – Claims – 2. Belgian (5 folders) 181 – 185” und “Film No. 14.33: MFA&A 184 Claims Belgium M-Z” und “MFA&A 184 N457 – N466 SIEBEL, Théa Brüssel“ (BArch B323/254)
Reg. Nr.: A 10316 (Belgium, Economic Recovery Service - DER)
The database on the unrecovered works of art looted during the Second World War in Belgium;