Portrait of a gentleman (Kommerzienrat Schroeder, Krefeld) (?)
Life-size portrait in half a side view to the left. Head turned forward, eyes directed straight ahead, in mantle. The gloved fingers of the right hand are visible in the left lower billboard. Highest light from left to forehead and white shirt collar. Colored incarnate, short dark-gray hair and mustache. Blue wool coat with brown fur collar, brown background. On the upper left: F. Lenbach, 1892, and right: F. Lenbach, 1895. Marginalie: "Commerzienrat Schroeder, representing Krefeld"
source: Carl von Bertrab (Bearb.): Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der Gemälde in der Sammlung Rudolf von Goldschmidt Rothschild. Frankfurt a.M. 1912; vgl. www.krefeld.de/de/textilmuseum/2011-2-was-vom-tage-uebrig-bleibt-...-zur-geschichte-der-krefelder-seidenfabrik-wilhelm-schroeder-29.-mai-bis-28.-august-2011/