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Kunstsammlung des Prinzen Georg von Sachsen-Meiningen
Lost Art-ID
Kunstsammlung des Prinzen Georg von Sachsen-Meiningen
Groups of reported objects
- Accessory
- Architectural sculpture
- Artist's book
- Bildende Kunst
- Carved objects of art
- Coin
- Commercial graphic art
- Consumer / interior textiles
- Consumer / interior textiles
- Consumer / interior textiles
- Crafts and other folk arts
- Crafts and other folk arts
- Drawing
- Furniture
- Honorary decoration
- Jewelry
- Letter
- Library objects
- Library objects
- Library objects
- Light / lamp
- Medal / badge
- Militaria
- Musical instrument
- Musical instrument
- Painting
- Photographic material
- Portfolio / sketchbook
- Ritual objects and equipment
- Sculpture
- Vessel
- Vessel
- Vessel
- Watch, clock
- Weapon
Die Kunstsammlung umfasst Gemälde, Möbel, Porzellan, Fayencen, Glas, Edelmetallobjekte, Kunsthandwerk, Münzen, Bibliothek, Archiv, etc. Stifter sind die Herzöge von Sachsen-Meiningen aus dem Haus Wettin Ernestinische Linie (E.L.)
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