Fundmeldung | Einzelobjekt Prayer book (siddur) "Tefilat Israel: The Form of Daily Prayers According to the Custom of German and Polish Jews," Hebrew with English translation Lost Art-ID573572 Vorherige Weiter Link to item in IMJ siteLink to the main site Herausgeber J. Kauffmann, Frankfurt am Main, seventh edition TitelPrayer book (siddur) "Tefilat Israel: The Form of Daily Prayers According to the Custom of German and Polish Jews," Hebrew with English translationErscheinungsortFrankfurt am Main, Germany ErscheinungsdatumLate 19th centuryObjektartBuchObjektgruppeBibliotheksgutMaterial / TechnikVelvet, carved ivory, partly gilt metal; print on paper Höhe 18,00 cm Breite 12,00 cm InventarnummerB02.1498;184/034, 142/046Beschreibung Object Name: Prayer book (siddur)|Siddur coverSubject: Miscellaneous Weiterlesen Weniger anzeigen Provenienz Received through JCR (Jewish Cultural Reconstruction) Weiterlesen Weniger anzeigen Veröffentlicht seit10.01.2018 Kontakt Israel Museum POB 71117 9171002 Jerusalem Israel Ansprechpartner:in Bareket
Kontakt Israel Museum POB 71117 9171002 Jerusalem Israel