Vesuvausbruch, auch Vesuv eruption

OFP: Ölstudie
US - NARA, property card: Label: Hitler 2611, Erklärung von Catarina Dahl, dass Bild von Chr. Dahl gemalt sei.
Quelle: • Verzeichnis der gepfändeten Sachen. Ohne Datum. 21.10.1939 (nach). In: D - OFP-Akte Sigmund Waldes.
• US - NARA, RG 260, A3389. Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"): Selected Microfilm Reproductions And Related Records, 1945-1949. Roll 70. "Linz Film". 14.7, Vols. 20a–24. Blatt 92 - 96 (LF XXI/68/307 - LF XXI/72/331).
• US - NARA, RG 260, M1946. Property cards from the Munich Central Collecting Point documenting the movement and disposition of each looted object. Roll 255. Records Relating to the Munich Central Collecting Point Property Transfers. Federal Government, 46962 Schloss Ehrenburg 8 - Ministerpresident, 2278/1 Aussee 1622/1. 10529 Aussee 5743. Painting. Eruption of The Vesuv (Design).
• D - BA Koblenz, B 323/732.